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  • Denise L. Carlini

New Year....Refocusing

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

As the first month of this new year draws to a close, I'm remembering and forgetting. Something that happens all the time, but I'm bringing more awareness and focus to it. When I remember I feel better even when I'm sad, angry, confused or overwhelmed. The remembering gives me the opportunity to be aware. To show up and meet my experience. To hold myself in regard and with responsibility. When I forget and I'm feeling any of the above emotions or joyful, I'm robbed of the in-the-moment experience. Awareness is key to showing up; to being there for yourself; to making informed choices; to being a good friend, partner, parent or neighbor. I was grateful to hear Tara Brach's podcast on TRUE REFUGE recently and listened to it a couple of days later as well (to help the remembering!). Her simple and profound descriptions of what constitutes true (versus false) refuge is deeply nourishing. It is also accessible to us all. I'm including the link here. You don't need to know anything of Buddhist teachings: everyone can relate to awareness, truth and love. Awareness, truth, and love are all true refuges. Cultivate TRUE REFUGES in your day to day life. Everything changes. Cultivating is what helps us to remember, rather than be lost in forgetfulness. Here's the link:

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